104,900 new users have chosen our apps as travel assistants to find deals, to find information about airports and destinations, and to improve their vacation planning.
Our database has a total of 2,225,365 users using the two platforms.
The need for assistance with travel arrangements and flight management has led to a significant increase in user engagement, with 413,220 flights registered in our systems during 2023. This number represents a significant 56.5 % increase from the 263,926 flights registered in 2022.

But these figures are not just numbers-they are a testament to the trust the global travel community places in our services. They highlight our commitment to simplifying travel through technology and continuously improving the user experience.
Every new user and every new flight registered in the app show that we are achieving our mission: to make travel a more accessible experience and the organization of it an activity that is no longer stressful, but enjoyable for everyone.
We sincerely thank all users who have chosen Sostravel and FLIO as their favorite travel apps. We are motivated by your support and inspired to push the boundaries of what is technologically possible in the travel world.
In fact, as we celebrate these milestones, we continue to dedicate ourselves to innovating and expanding our services in order to meet the evolving needs of today’s travelers.
Looking ahead, we are excited about the opportunities ahead, starting with AI-Trips: our artificial intelligent travel agent, which instantly understands your preferences, budget, and desired experiences.
Ai-Trips analyzes massive amounts of data in seconds to offer you the best travel solutions tailored to your needs. Whether you are looking for a relaxing beach vacation, an adventure in faraway countries, or a cultural city tour, our AI will find the perfect solution for you.

About Sostravel.com
Sostravel.com S.p.A. is a digital travel company trading in Milan (SOS) and New (SOSAF), operating the sostravel and flio apps, and www.sostravel.com & www.amareitalia.com platforms.
A digital tour operator and travel-tech company, it develops proprietary digital travel solutions, such as the Lost Luggage Concierge for luggage protection and recovery and Dr. Travel, a telehealth service designed for travelers.
Over 1 million users have used Sostravel.com as a digital travel companion to find deals on their trips and get information to make their journeys more enjoyable.
Sostravel.com offers investors a unique opportunity to gain exposure to the growth of global travel and digital travel services, both sectors with a high CAGR.
Contact Sostravel.com
+39 0691511041