How Travel Has Changed Over the Past Decades

Can you imagine a world where you can’t just book a flight from your smartphone? It wasn’t that long ago that this was the reality for travelers.
Lets try to remember how journeys used to be and discover how much and what has changed in recent decades!

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Explore the world with photography

A new point of view in exploring the world while staying at home: a visual tour through a camera lens! Don’t you think it’s possible? If you have “eyes to see” you can find it out by yourself and this way travel with and photography.

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Music to travel: playlist to travel around the world

Just make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and trust in the best travel mate: the music. So here the best playlists selected for you by to travel from home.

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Books and TV series to travel from home without borders wants to be close to you in this difficult period and offer you a bit of leisure and escape to stay always at high altitude!In fact, last time we had a special virtual appointment to explore the most beautiful artworks and monuments of the world sitting comfortably on your sofa. And it is precisely the type of travelling from home that we at invite you once again to do: it will indeed be possible to get out of reality and to live experiences beyond every border thanks to the books and TV series.

What is it that drives us to travel?

The will to discover the world, the desire to explore new cultures or simply the need to find out something new? There can be multiple reasons; of course, you do not always have the possibility – as in this precise historical moment – to undertake all the trips of your own to go list.

On the other hand, travelling is an activity that could be done not only with your body, but also with mind, with books, with music and, if desired with films and TV series. This is why we have decided to do some research for you and to collect the most beautiful titles and the most incredible seasons for real travel lovers.

The magnificent 5 that you can not miss

Travel literature, fiction and non-fiction remain one of the most exciting genres. But what are the travel books that must be read absolutely? De gustibus, the saying goes. We did some research on the tastes of critics, on the history of this literary genre, on the worldwide Italian sales statistics. By crossing these data with our personal reading tips, here below we’ve tried to make our selection.

Around the World in Eighty Days, by Jules Verne

An adventure novel only apparently for children, which will not fail to involve even the most mature readers, if they are attentive. The protagonist is a Londoner Phileas Fogg and his French waiter Passepartout, who in order to win a bet, has agreed to circumnavigate the world in 80 days, starting from and arriving in London, stopping in Brindisi, Suez, Bombay, Calcutta, Hong Kong, Yokohama, San Francisco and New York in course of the journey.

The Art of Traveling

– Not all of us are born visionaries. If Aldous Huxley taught us to accept it, Alain de Botton offers us the keystone for the next trips, helping us to re-evaluate the chosen destinations through the sensitivity of poets, artists and philosophers from the past. Through the works and the visions of sacred geniuses such as Huysmans, Baudelaire, Hopper, Flaubert or Van Gogh, Alain frames his goals and sensations in a different perspective, with a journey that ranges from Barbados to Madrid, from Provence to the Lake District of Wordsworth. Many ideas and curiosities, but only one aim: the desire to “really see”.

Noa Noa and letters from Tahiti

A reality that Gauguin portrays in his canvases and writes in the pages of a notebook simply titled “Noa Noa”, perfume. A notebook of impressions to support his art and reinforce that primitive feeling so new and difficult for modern Europeans to understand.

The Last Beach

This story told by Alex Garland has become famous thanks to the film “The Beach”, starring Leonardo DiCaprio. The book tells the adventures of Richard, who is informed of a mysterious beach in Bangkok one night during a vacation. He gets more curious the following morning when he finds a map hanging on the door of his room. The temptation is too strong and Richard leaves to find an island inaccessible to mass tourism, where a very particular community lives.

In a sunburnt country. Australia

Bryson is one of the most entertaining travel writers, in this book he travels far and wide through Australia, from the desert hinterland to the coral reef. He travels with his curious eye and a pen always ready for irony. A fun and interesting book. A composite itinerary, travelled by train, along the legendary Indian Pacific, from Sidney to Perth, by car, between cities and coastal stretches, by foot, in the majestic and wild Australian parks, and by boat, along the rivers and the sea.

Not only books but also TV series

Hitting the road and discovering the world from your sofa to reach faraway destinations and to prepare for the next adventure has never been easier. Discover themes and places unknown to us or revisit others, identify yourself in situations and contexts, find yourself even just for a moment on the other side of the screen: these are the 5 TV series chosen specifically for those who have elevated the journey to art.

Dark Tourist

An 8-episode TV series about the journeys of the journalist David Farrier to the darkest and most dangerous places in the world. A journey that takes him to places associated with death and destruction, such as war zones, regions highly contaminated by nuclear radiation, to serial killer places, in contact with holy men and in other dangerous situations. Curious, fun and fluent, each episode lasts about 40 minutes.

On the verge of success: restaurants with a view

A trio of experts made up of gastronomes and designers tries to revitalize some declining restaurants, providing them with ideas that derive from the cultures of their countries of origin.

The Kindness Diaries

– Leon Logothetis travels the world aboard a vintage motorcycle and stops with some strangers whom he meets along the way to test their kindness, repaying them in unexpected ways.

The Borgias

Who wouldn’t want to have lived in a Renaissance Rome? Pomp, the lineage and the wealth of one of the most important families in history on the one hand, in the meantime on the other its excesses, its depravations and its misdeeds. “The Borgias” is an extremely underrated TV series if only to think that the landscapes and scenery used to shoot it are 80% original!

Feed Phil

In this TV series divided into two seasons (called courses) of 6 episodes each, is told the journey around the world of the American actor and writer Phil Rosenthal that is based entirely on the foods and products of each country that he visits. A different way of experiencing travel.

 Credit to Transport Executive

Whether you are fond of reading or a TV series enthusiast, you can still abandon your home walls and travel with your imagination. gives you an appointment at the next issue of our magazine in order to live together the new travel experiences beyond every border, even at home!

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A virtual tour: visit these tourist attractions from your home

Today we will take you around the world in a slightly different way. Have you ever tried to visit a monument from home? Well yes, it’s real. You can do that!

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KEEP CALM, stay at home and cook Burritos

oday, has decided to take you to Mexico with its special recipes on the tortillas base. Stay calm, stay home and try to cook delicious Burritos too!

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Coronavirus or Covid-19 pandemic News Update background concept.

Covid-19: Updates and guidelines for travellers

Considering the delicate historical moment that humanity is experiencing due to the acclaimed health emergency from COVID-19, continues to show its proximity to its customers through a series of news, updates and useful tips for those who find themselves forced to travel for work or family needs.

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Food Travel Experience: paella, the Queen of Spain

In our last appointment, we left an unspoiled paradise, the beautiful Kimberley region of Australia behind us. For today wants to excite you with new and sensational destinations that we are sure will activate your taste buds. Are you ready to immerse yourself in a new experience made of places, cultures, landscapes and … cuisine? Our Food Travel Experience starts now!

Foto di Adrianna Calvo da Pexels

The first stage of this new travel itinerary is Spain. This country of Latin charm boasts 43 World Heritage sites and is one of the most popular and well-known tourist destinations in the world. A land blessed with mild climate and beautiful beaches, mountains to discover and plains that offer extraordinary agricultural products. All this is made even more particular by a long and rich history that has left unique works of art and architectural masterpieces.

Spain is enriched by a list of cities that are unique for beauty and easy to fall in love with: not only Barcelona, Madrid, Seville or Bilbao, but also small towns like Ronda or Zaragoza are characterized by an irresistible charm. Famous for having one of the most beautiful coasts in Europe, its true character comes from the culture behind the walls of churches and palaces, in its rituals and heartfelt traditions or in the panorama of the narrow streets of its historic centers. But its beating heart is rediscovered mainly in the smells and flavors of its dishes, typical of an ancient Iberian tradition.

Paella, the Queen of Spain

From a gastronomic point of view, as a matter of fact, the undisputed Queen of Spain is definitely the Paella, symbol – together with tapas – of local street food that can be enjoyed at home, on the beach, alone or in company and, why not, accompanied by a nice glass of sangria.

We are talking about a national dish from Catalonia to Andalusia, passing through the Valencian Community and Castile, that every self-respecting Spaniard (or tourist) simply cannot give up. We can trace the birth of paella in Valencia precisely between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries following the need of farmers and shepherds to have an easy lunch to transport and composed of ingredients available in the area.

The origin of the name comes from the characteristic pot, the paellera, in which it is cooked. We are talking about a pan where the handle has been removed to replace it with two that can support the weight of the dish. It has a minimum diameter of 20 cm which determines the height of the edges and consequently also the number of rations to be served.

Foto di Joshua Miranda da Pexels

There are several variations of paella: whether it is meat, fish or vegetables, rice is certainly the undisputed protagonist of this delicious Spanish dish. Tradition has it that paella is cooked outdoors and possibly with orange wood that controls its cooking and gives it a sweet aroma. The classic recipe calls for a cream of chicken, rabbit, green beans, tomato, garrofò beans and saffron rice. The latter must never be mixed and must remain crispy – almost scorched – at the bottom of the pan. Finally, before serving it, it will be necessary to let it rest for at least 15 minutes so that the flavors and colors can blend together.

Here at we are confident that our first Food Travel Experience of this month with Paella – the undisputed queen of Spanish cuisine – has left you particularly impressed and with a watery mouth. We can’t wait for the next unmissable appointment to live together another new journey between sensational destinations and exquisite culinary traditions!

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Kimberley, an uncontaminated paradise

The month of February is about to end and with it the many travel tips that have accompanied us. For this last appointment, will take you to one of the most beautiful places in Australia. We are talking about the Kimberley region.

An aerial shot of the Horizontal falls in Talbot Bay, the Kimberley, Australia

Three times the size of England and with a population of less than 40,000, this region is among the most unspoiled in the world. The wildlife, majestic canyons and crystal-clear waters of the springs make it a place that offers tourists a full immersion in the unspoiled nature of a spectacular continent such as Australia. There are many experiences to be able to live in this beautiful region and for this reason, has selected the most beautiful ones for you. Are you ready to embark on this journey?

The Kimberley coast

This fascinating itinerary can only start by visiting the city of Broome, one of the most characteristic in Australia. Colourful sunsets, frangipani plants, warm temperatures and beautiful white sand beaches will make you live in a magical atmosphere and will give you the opportunity to discover two of the most characteristic aspects of the Australian tradition: the outback and adrenaline generated by an adventure between the pristine areas of the region and the relaxed atmosphere of the beaches accompanied by the tasty mango flavour of a typical local beer.

Secondly, treat yourself to a pleasant cruise along the Kimberley coast to fully admire its beauty. During this experience you will have the opportunity to admire the coast in all its wild nature, dotted with about 2,600 islands, many still with an unknown name; stop to admire the ancient Aboriginal rock art and take a dip in the crystal-clear waters or a picnic on the white sand.

You can then plan a visit to Mitchell River National Park, one of Australia‘s most beautiful natural parks. What is the main attraction? Certainly the “Mitchell Falls“, that follow one after the other in series and then dive into a deep freshwater lake. But what is the main feature of this area? Its sacredness! According to the most ancient traditions of the Aboriginal population, the Wumambal who live in this area, supernatural beings live among the small lakes formed by the waterfalls.

Australian aborigines

The Kimberley region is not the only one inhabited by indigenous populations, the whole state is. Did you know that Australian populations boast a rich culture dating back over 50,000 years? A culture defined holistic and very tied to the concept of family, community and the land. In particular, the link with the earth is a fundamental aspect in the vision that the aborigines have of the world. For these people, in fact, the land is what defines their nature. In particular, the aboriginal people of the coast describe themselves as “people of salt water”, those of river areas as “people of fresh water” and those of arid central regions as “people of the desert”. But where exactly does this link with the earth come from? We will reveal it immediately.

Aboriginal people believe that their ancestral spirits, or the creative deities, were born precisely from the earth and from heaven and that they created all living things through their travels on earth. And it is precisely for this reason that between the aboriginal population and the land there is a strong bond that has become indissoluble over the years.

Today’s appointment ends here. has led you to this wonderful region of Australia that can make you rediscover the beauty of our planet away from the stress and smog of big cities. sets the appointment for the next article to start a new exciting journey. Keep following us!

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Amsterdam Netherlands, city skyline Dutch house at canal waterfront with spring tulip flower

Amsterdam, the Venice of Northern Europe

One of the most beautiful locations in Northern Europe called the “Venice of the North” thanks to the blue waters of its canals that will immerse you in a magical post-impressionist atmosphere!

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